New Reviews

‘Galaxy of Horrors’ Offers Strong Entertainment for Horror and Sci-Fi Fans Alike (Review)

Directed by: Various

Cast: Various

The film opens with a strange video game like sequence. It isn’t a shining piece of film, but it does end on a satisfying note. With that, we move into a series of often-morbid short films, diverse in variety, relatively even in terms of production values and technical execution.

I won’t highlight every story in the flick, as I’ll essentially be dropping one massive spoiler on you, but there are a few pics here worth praise. Serious praise.

We get an absolutely shocking tale in the early portions of the anthology: We open to a man venturing into the woods where he digs a whole before burying a body. But this asshole has a problem, the man’s phone has been listening to everything he does. His secrets are her knowledge… but what is her reaction to such a vile act?

It’s an amazing story, and it really grabs you by the throat. The characters (basically two) are well-defined and the final payoff is absolutely beautiful in a horrific way. This one picks up big points.

Throughout the film we venture deeper into the realm of science fiction, and a lot of these shorts bring absolutely hypnotizing visuals (there’s a brief moment that puts a vibrantly colored butterfly on display and it just about steals your breath away).

The futuristic nature of the flick as a whole is just a little dumbfounding, and I say that with no true negative connotation attached. There’s an arthouse feel to some of these pieces and I find it magnetic and infectious. I’m not sure how well the movie will catch on, but it’s worth the price of a rental just off the strength of the first small handful of stories. And that’s not the end of the greatness provided by Galaxy of Horrors.

A grand color scheme seems to be one of the anthologies recurring themes and it keeps the brain stimulated constantly. The fact that a number of these stories are genuinely original in concept, and that too elevates the feature as a whole.

Again, I’m not going to get into too many details. It really isn’t necessary. What you need to know is that Galaxy of horrors is a varied collection of films that tend to blend aspects of science fiction and horror. The two fit together perfectly, and Galaxy of Horrors is a production destined to leave fans raving in appreciation of a little inventiveness.

Rating: 4/5

About The Overseer (2283 Articles)
Author of Say No to Drugs, writer for Blumhouse, Dread Central, Horror Novel Reviews and Addicted to Horror Movies.

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