New Reviews

Monster Fun in ‘The Creature Below’ (Review)

Creature from Below

Directed by: Stewart Sparke

Cast: Anna Dawson, Michaela Longden, Daniel Thrace

I’m always game for a cool aquatic horror flick. We don’t see too many come our way, so there’s always reason to celebrate when we get one of these rare sub-genre offerings. Stewart Sparke’s The Creature Below isn’t without a minor hiccup or two, but it is a cool little creature feature with some respectable practical special effects. No, the film won’t likely land on many favorite lists, but it is fine entertainment on a quiet night.

An underwater expedition goes horribly awry when diver Olive Crown is attacked by something enormous beneath the surface. There’s a struggle, and she very narrowly makes it out alive. But maybe shouldn’t have made it out, as she’s brought something back with her, burrowed deep in her high-tech diving gear. And that something just so happens to be alive, and… inspiring, shall we say.

The acting is solid all around. There are just a handful of wooden sequences, but the rest of the film – and the general refinement of the performers – really negates any weaknesses that can be detected. Anna Dawson turns in good work as the protagonist that gradually becomes something else. And while Johnny Vivash has somewhat limited screen time, he’s also impressive in his performance.

Again, I don’t really see this becoming a cult classic, but for anyone who gets a real kick out creature features, this is going to leave you satisfied. One could look to the film with a close analytical eye and find a powerful metaphor tucked into the folks of the film, but I preferred to let this one just take me to another realm where simple monsters exist and thrill. And by the way, the special effects alone are enough to steal the hearts of those fond of classic ‘80’s genre fare. Listen, just do yourself a favor and watch the movie!

Rating: 4/5


About The Overseer (2283 Articles)
Author of Say No to Drugs, writer for Blumhouse, Dread Central, Horror Novel Reviews and Addicted to Horror Movies.

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